'I wanted to smoke Gauloises, drink black coffee and talk about absurdity and maquillage wicked women and doomed young men. I wasn't interested in happiness, I was looking for the Holy Grail' Marianne Faithfull
'All that was fantasy in ink became true: the search for Arcadia and the underworld, love and crime and melody' 'The happiest experience we have ever had is being together as the boys in the band, reaching the listeners' hearts and waking up cupid, too'
Pete Doherty
'Yves Saint Laurent modeled himself on the drug- hazed nineteenth- century romantics'
(Fashion Theory-The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, R. Arnold V3, I3, Sept 1999)
'Chloe may personify our times, but don't ask her what she's supposed to represent. For her, being part of the "underground" means just living it, because it never occured to her to live any other way'.
(PATTERSON,S. 1997. Cosmic Girl. The Face, pp. 48 - 52)
'If the cool of our times is the cult of uncool, then no wonder: Sevigny's cool is so uncool it makes Jarvis' cool- uncool look like he tried really hard to be cool. No one who makes this little effort to be this uncool could be anything else than the coolest person in the world'.
(PATTERSON,S .1997. Cosmic Girl. The Face, pp. 48 - 52)