Saturday, 20 June 2009


I like compiling my blog with quotes and images that some how manage to pin down my never ending thoughts that are shaping my work.

I thought I would just try and explain everything so far on my blog as it's kind of made up of two thought paths. The first posts from 3/02/09 (Grunge) to 17/02/09 (David LaChapelle) being PATH 1. This path reflects the topics of my 2nd year essay grunge/ bohemians and a "cult of cool". This path is about observing image and lifestyle. Once I finished my essay i seemed to start developing a different avenue of interest which is how PATH 2 came about. This path began from post 24/05/09 (Beautiful Vodoo Doll) and is more of a reflection of thoughts I'm having at the moment which are very much to do with STATES OF BEING AND SEEING and this is the path which I feel my blog is going to continue developing.

Overall current interests:

art installations
different ways of looking
guy style/ fashion
the bohemian life
lyrical romantics
poetic rebellion

I'm also thinking about starting to blog my actual work as this blog is very much the thoughts that are inspiring and supporting my practical work.

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